Three Ways To Make A Room Look More Spacious

There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.
Jane Austen

Re-decorating your home can be expensive, but if you know what to look for and where to shop you could give your house a make-over without having to break the bank.  A few circular rugs, decorative pillows, and even some simple furniture arrangement can do a lot to change the look of a room.  Interior decorators have been using these tips for years, and now it's time for you to use them to make your home even more beautiful than it already is.

Do you have a collection of pictures, vases, or other things that reside on your table?  Get some wall brackets or wall shelves and move your collection to your walls.  You'll open up more space, and you'll have some unique and eye-catching décor pieces on your wall.  Your guests will have a much better view of your collection, and each individual piece will be able to have its chance to shine.

Leave Your Cabinets Open

You shouldn't go into your bathroom or kitchen and fling open every cabinet door, but an open cabinet in your dining room or an open armoire in your living room can make a room look a lot bigger and give it some personality.  Instead of having your china hide behind cabinet doors, leave your cabinet open and let your guests look at your collection.  Pick a cabinet, re-arrange it to your liking, and get ready to hear the compliments from your guests.

If your room is feeling a little cramped you don't have to get rid of your furniture, you may just have to do a little re-arranging.  Furniture that blocks the view into a room or that's located too close to walkways can make a room look more cluttered than it actually is.  Seeing more carpet/floor space makes rooms look bigger, so the more carpet you expose the better.